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Peaceful Security & Machinery Co., Ltd. was established in 1982, consisting two major departments. The engineering department provides security system design installation, and operation/maintainence services to households, shopping malls, office buildings, financial institutes and military bases etc. With over 30-years of experience in the fields of security, our professionals from the engineering service department can provide you with the security system customized for your needs.

Perfect Security & Machinery Co., Ltd. manufactures its own products, including alarm control panels, telephone alarm auto dialer, traffic guidance and parking management devies for large car parks/garage. The company offers turnkey engineering services and has successfully installed more than 30 multi-story car parks in Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and China.

PSM has gained its reputation thru 30-years of services to the security industry and large car parks as the best engineering and leading technology provider, delivering highly compatible products in both quality and price in the global market. Since 2002, PSM has expanded its services to Asian Pacific and European countries. Continuous growing in international clients is expected.

Copyright © 2012 Peaceful Security & Machinery Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
Address: 7F - Unit 1, No.8, Section 1, Keelung Road Songshan District, Taipei City, 105 (Postal) Taiwan View Map
Tel : 886-2-2760-1660 / Fax : 886-2-2766-2423 / E-mail : psm@psmweb.com.tw